Brand Storytelling: How To Create a Compelling Narrative For Your Business
Creating a compelling narrative for your business is about more than just marketing — it’s about building a brand that resonates with your audience human to human. By starting with your “why,” understanding your audience, defining your brand’s personality, and telling your story authentically and consistently, you can tell a brand story that not only captures attention but fosters lasting loyalty.
How Small Business Owners Can Strengthen Their Brand By Engaging In The Democratic Process
There are a variety of viewpoints about whether or not businesses should engage in political dialogue and its impacts to your bottom line. Here at Holbrook we think small businesses have a crucial role to play as civic influencers. The bottom line is that your business doesn’t just serve customers and employees; small businesses are a cornerstone to creating and fostering community culture both present and future.
How Small Business Owners Can Leverage Brand Key Messages for Better Brand Results
Brand key messages are the core statements that illustrate the essence of your brand. Put another way, they convey who you are, what you do, why you do it, and how you’re different from your peers. These messages are designed to be clear, concise, and consistent across all communication channels.
Why messaging architecture is crucial to your small business success
Messaging architecture refers to the strategic construction and organization of the messages your brand conveys to its audience. It serves as the backbone of your brand's communication strategy, providing a clear and consistent framework for all interactions, both internal and external.